Page:Zangwill-King of schnorrers.djvu/167

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he could only keep firm now, he told himself, he might emancipate himself for ever. Yes, he would be strong, and Manasseh should never dare address him again. " I won't pay a stiver," he roared.

" If you make a scene I will withdraw," said Manasseh quietly. " Already there are ears and eyes turned upon you. From your language people will be thinking me a dun and you a bankrupt."

" They can go to the devil ! " thundered Grobstock, " and you too ! "

" Blasphemer ! You counsel me to ask the devil to con- tribute to the Synagogue ! I will not bandy words with you. You refuse, then, to contribute to this fund?"

" I do, I see no reason."

" Not even the five pounds I vowed on behalf of Yankele himself — one of your own people ? "

" What ! I pay in honour of Yankele — a dirty Schnon-er / "

"Is this the way you speak of your guests?" said Manasseh, in pained astonishment. " Do you forget that Yankele has broken bread at your table? Perhaps this is how you talk of me when my back is turned. But, beware ! Remember the saying of our sages, ' You and I cannot live in the world,' said God to the haughty man. Come, now ! No more paltering or taking refuge in abuse. You refuse me this beggarly five pounds? "

" Most decidedly."

" Very well, then ! "

Manasseh called the attendant.

"What are you about to do?" cried Grobstock appre- hensively.

" You shall see," said Manasseh resolutely, and when the attendant came, he pressed the price of his cup of coffee into his hand.