Page:Zangwill-King of schnorrers.djvu/404

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One o'clock !

A mournful monotone, stern in its absoluteness, like the clang of a gate shutting out a lost soul.

One more hour of aching suspense, scarcely dulled by the task of making hot coffee, and cutting bread and butter for his returning womankind ; then Flutter-Duck came back. Alone !

Came back in her cab, her fading features flushed with the joy of life, with the artificial flowers in her false chignon, and the pink wrap over her head.

"Where is Rachel?" gasped poor Lewis, meeting her at the street-door.

"Rachel ! isn't she here? I left her with you," answered Flutter-Duck, half sobered.

"Merciful God!" ejaculated her husband, and put his hand to his breast, pierced by a shooting pain.

" I left her with you," repeated Flutter-Duck with white lips. "Why did you let her go out? Why didn't you look after her?"

"Silence, you sinful mother!" cried Lewis. "You shamed her before strangers, and she has gone out — tc drown herself — what do I know?"

Flutter- Duck burst into hysterical sobbing.

" Yes, take her part against me ! You always make me out wrong."

"Restrain yourself!' he whispered imperiously. "Do you wish to have the neighbours hear you again?"

" I daresay she's only hiding somewhere, sulking, as she did when a child," said Flutter-Duck. " Have you looked under the bed? "

Foolish as he knew her words were, they gave him a gleam of hope. He led the way upstairs without answering, and taking a candle, examined her bedroom again with ludicrous minuteness. This time the sight of her old clothes was