Page:Zangwill-King of schnorrers.djvu/43

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Not another farthing ! " spluttered Grobstock, red as a turkey-cock.

"Very well," said the Schnorrer imperturbably, and, lifting up his voice, he called " Wilkinson ! "

" Hush ! " commanded Grobstock. " What are you doing? "

" I will tell Wilkinson to bring back my property."

"Wilkinson will not obey you."

" Not obey me / A servant ! Why he is not even black ! All the Sephardim I visit have black pages — much grander than Wilkinson — and they tremble at my nod. At Baron D'Aguilar's mansion in Broad Street Buildings there is a retinue of twenty- four servants, and they — "

" And what is your second claim ? "

" Compensation for being degraded to fishmongering. I am not of those who sell things in the streets. I am a son of the Law, a student of the Talmud."

" If a crown piece will satisfy each of these claims — "

"I am not a blood-sucker — as it is said in the Talmud, Tractate Passover, ' God loves the man who gives not way to wrath nor stickles for his rights ' — that makes altogether three guineas and three crowns."

"Yes. Here they are."

Wilkinson reappeared. "You called me, sir?" he said.

"No, / called you," said Manasseh, "I wished to give you a crown."

And he handed him one of the three. Wilkinson took it, stupefied, and retired.

"Did I not get rid of him cleverly?" said Manasseh. "You see how he obeys me ! "


" I shall not ask you for more than the bare crown I gave him to save your honour."