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himself irresistibly drawn towards the very man he had most cause to suspect and dread. He held out his hand to Zanoni, saying, " Well, then, if we are to be rivals, our swords must settle our rights: till then I would fain be friends."

"Friends! You know not what you ask."

"Enigmas again!"

"Enigmas!" cried Zanoni, passionately; "ay! can you dare to solve them? Not till then could I give you my righthand, and call you friend."

"I could dare everything and all things for the attainment of superhuman wisdom," said Glyndon, and his countenance was lighted up with wild and intense enthusiasm.

Zanoni observed him in thoughtful silence.

"The seeds of the ancestor live in the son," he muttered; "he may — yet" He broke off abruptly; then, speaking aloud — "Go, Glyndon," said he; "we shall meet again, but I will not ask your answer till the hour presses for decision."