Page:Ziska (Corelli M, 1897).pdf/49

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Chapter II.

Gervase stared at him, still dazzled and confused.

"Whom did you say?...the Princess Ziska?... No, I don't know her... Yet, stay! Yes, I think I have seen her...somewhere,—in Paris, possibly. Will you introduce me?"

"I leave that duty to Mr. Denzil Murray," said the Doctor, folding his arms neatly behind his back... "He knows her better than I do."

And smiling his little grim, cynical smile, he settled his academic cap more firmly on his head and strolled off towards the ball-room. Gervase stood irresolute, his eyes fixed on that wondrous golden figure that floated before his eyes like an aerial vision. Denzil Murray had gone forward to meet the Princess and was now talking to her, his handsome face radiating with the admiration he made no attempt to conceal. After a little pause Gervase moved towards him