Page:Zodiac stories by Blanche Mary Channing.pdf/36

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Aquarius, the Water-Carrier

save the rest for Nejmeh—poor, darling Nejmeh, who had waited all this time, and who needed it so much! He resolutely shut his eyes in order not to see the unfortunate dog, and put both hands over his ears so as not to hear it moan, and would have passed by; but the dog, as if reading his thoughts, summoned up all its weak strength, and threw itself in front of him so that he stumbled over its body. He opened his eyes and met the dying animal's gaze. And he knew that it had conquered, for he could not leave it to perish now. With a heavy heart he lifted its head on his knee and poured a few drops of water down its throat; not many, for so little water was left by this time!

And then, once more, Abdallah started forth, running fast through the twilight, panting and despairing of reaching the high rock before the night fell, but hoping,—hoping that somehow, in some way