Page:Zora Neale Hurston - Poker!.pdf/1

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Copyright 1931 by Zora Neale Hurston
43 W.66st. New York City


Time - - Present

Place - - New York

Cast of characters -

Nunkie . . . .
Too-Sweet. . .
Peckerwood . .
Black Baby . .
Sack Daddy. .
Aunt Dilsey. .


A shabby front room in a shotgun house.

A door covered by dingy por-
tieres upstage C. Small panel window in side Wall L. Plain centre table chairs with drawn up about it. Gaudy calendars on wall. Bat-
tered piano against wall R. Kerosene lamp with reflector against wall on either side of room.

At rise of curtain NUNKIE is at piano playing. . . Others at table with small stacks of chips before each man, TUSH HAWG is seated at table so that he faces audi-
ence. He is expertly riffing the cards. .looks over his shoulder and speaks to NUNKIE.


Come on here, Nunkie - and take a hand! You're holding up the game. You been woofin' round here about the poker you can play - now do it!


Yeah, I plays poker. I plays the piano and Gawd knows I plays the devil. I'm Uncle Bob with a wooden leg!