Page:Zur Dynamik bewegter Systeme.djvu/15

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Before we perform the integration, we derive the relevant equations for the velocity components and . In addition to the differential equations (6) with respect to the primed system we have to use:


the relations between the primed and unprimed components of the moving force . To find them, we consider a special case, namely, an infinitely small diathermanous solid body charged with electricity e, in an arbitrary, evacuated electromagnetic field. Then, for the unprimed system:


where denotes the electric, the magnetic field intensity. The same equations apply according to the relativity principle, when all the variables, except e and c, were provided with primes. This leads with respect to the relations (13) and the relations:[1]

the following equations between the primed and unprimed force components:

, (21)

The last two relations (22) we accept as generally valid; this give in combination with (6) and (20):


  1. A. Einstein, Ann. d. Phys. (4), 17, p. 909, 1905.