Page:Zur Dynamik bewegter Systeme.djvu/21

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Now we start from relation (26) and set therein q' = 0. Then it follows with respect to (17) in the recently introduced term:

, (38)

and thus H is represented as a function of the three variables q, V, and T, if H0 as a function of two variables V and T is known. By H all other physical state variables are determined according to (6) and (7). We at first obtain for the pressure:

. (39)

If the pressure of the body at rest is known by the usual state equation as a function of volume and temperature, the state equation of the moving body follows immediately. Similarly, the entropy is given by:

. (40)

Furthermore, the components of the momentum are given by:


where G, the resulting momentum, is according to (38):

. (41)

Furthermore, the energy according to (10) is given by:

. (42)

Considering that and


thus we can write:

. (43)

Finally, the thermal function R is by (30):
