Page:Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Systeme I.djvu/4

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3. The motions which are carried out by a material particle of the progressing system under the action of forces in space , are different from the motions, which the same particle in the case of rest is carrying out under the forces in space , only by the fact that the process is slowed down in a constant ratio. Corresponding distances are traversed in times and , which are connected by the equation


If (with respect to a certain particle) forms a connected system of distances, times, forces in the case of rest, then – being in agreement with equations (1) to (4) – also belong together as a system of values that represent a possible state in the case of translation.

We apply the following theorems: in the theory of electrons it is given by definition, that

the "electric force" is the spatial average of the force upon a particle, charged by the quantity of electricity 1;
the "electric moment of unit volume" , where is the relative displacement of , denotes a volume, and the sum is to be extended over all in this volume;
the "convection current" , where is the relative velocity of .

Now, let be the connected values in the case of rest. According to (3),

are corresponding to them for in the case of translation; furthermore, since according to (2), and according to (2) and (4), we have:


Thus, if it is given for the state of rest:

then consequently it follows for the translation: