Page:Zur Elektrodynamik bewegter Systeme II.djvu/10

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Now, we multiply I' by M, II' by E, and sum up; then it follows:


or by (13):

. (20)

We neglect the change that will be suffered by and due to the deformation, thus we put ; then by III it becomes:


or by V:

. (21)

Furthermore it is by (16):



Eventually, it is given from (17) by arranging with respect to the components of :

. (23)

We include (21), (22), (23) in (20), and denote by a material element of volume, so that

Then it follows:

, (24)


. (25)

In (24), the left-hand side is the decrease of electromagnetic energy, the first member of the right-hand side the radiation, the second member the chemical-thermal energy spent, is thus the work spent (always calculated for the unit of time and of the material volume).