Page talk:Chronicles Of The Crusades.djvu/78

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It is interesting that I have been reading about the secret societies and I just read about the Templars. There is some question when they first were organized and I knew that they were prominent during the Crusades. It is interesting to see a deMallie name, and I knew that they had quite a battle in the Holy Land. I have a book on the secret societies which I read and then read again--I have to do that to retain the information. I got my magnifying glass to read the small print and realized it was already zoomed for me.

    I do not know how much this will let me write, but I had a problem 

getting to this. Facebook said I did not exist!!

    I have been doing the REV. JOHN CAMPBELL's descendants and I thought I

was going to do a couple of pages of his wife-s family and I must have punched 2 for you and Ian for copies and I could not get the printer to stop and I had done 440 pages in duplicate of a 660 page book. Now I need more ink. I have also done the Howlands and I knew it, but I got the book and the Howland records for Franklin D. Roosevelt. Churchill is also related to the Howlands, and you and the Runels are kin to Sarah Delano FDR' mother from two people on the Mayflower. When I punched in Steve's great A. Netty's DAR number, the city of Lowell now owns the DAR house and the UMASS/LOWELL administers the Lowell Center for History. The DAR headquarters was built by Richard Hildreth and I knew my Stratton ancestor who came to Virginia was descended from a Hildreth in Chelmsford . I copied out of the same book that my father's first cousin did more than 50 years ago, and I never thought I would see that book again