Page talk:The Way of a Virgin.djvu/212

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This text is used in a pseudo-footnote on page 212 when viewed by itself, and a real footnote to page 211 when transcluded.

Touzle or Tousle, in its original sense, meant "to rumple"—"to pull or mess about." but came in time to signify, in erotic slang, the act of "mastering a woman by romping." (Vide Farmer: Slang and Analogues.) It belongs to that class of word connoting the sexual act which may be described as energetic, as implying a sense of lively action and movement. Farmer, under his key-word Ride, gives a number of similar terms among them: to belly-bump; to bounce; to cuddle; to ferret; to frisk; to fumble; to hug; to hustle; to jiggle; to jumble; to muddle; to niggle; to plough; to rummage; to shake; and to tumble. Touzle is Fieldings term for the veneral act.

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