Pastorals Epistles Odes (1748)/Supplication for Miss Cartertet in the Small-Pox

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3996623Pastorals Epistles Odes (1748) — Supplication for Miss Cartertet in the Small-PoxAmbrose Philips

SUPPLICATION for Miss Carteret
in the Small-Pox.

Dublin July 31, 1725.

POW'R o'er ev'ry pow'r supreme,
Thou the poet's hallow'd theme,
From thy mercy-seat on high,
Hear my numbers, hear my cry. 4

Breather of all vital breath,
Arbiter of life and death,
Oh, preserve this innocence,
Yet unconscious of offence, 8
Yet in life and virtue growing,
Yet no debt to nature owing.

Thou, who giv'st angelick grace
To the blooming virgin face, 12
Let the fell disease not blight
What thou mad'st for man's delight:
O'er her features let it pass
Like the breez o'er springing grass, 16
Gentle as refreshing showers
Sprinkled over opening flowers.
O, let years alone diminish
Beauties thou wast pleas'd to finish. 20

To the pious parents give
That the darling fair may live:
Turn to blessings all their care,
Save their fondness from despair. 24
Mitigate the lurking pains
Lodg'd within her tender veins;
Soften every throb of anguish,
Suffer not her strength to languish; 28
Take her to thy careful keeping,
And prevent the mother's weeping.