Pearson Hill letter to French Post
A Mons[ieu]r [?] Piron
Secretary's office
There is a small matter semi-officiel semi private, in which I am sure you will permit me to ask for your kind assistance.
My father, Sir Rowland Hill who, as you may suppose, watches with much interest the adoption throughout the world, of his plans of Postal Reform, has a collection of the postage stamps of the Nations, which collection I am desirous of rendering as complete as possible and with this view I take the liberty of asking whether - supposing it be now possible to obtain - you could favor him with specimens (unobliterated) of the postage stamps used in France during the time of the Republic.
Of these stamps I believe there are eight varieties - six bearing the Head of France, and two bearing the head of the Emperor, then President, and we shall be greatly indebted to your goodness if you can, without much trouble, procure them for us.
In addition to the stamps of the Republic that I have mentioned, my father's collection does not contain the Franc, or the 25. Cent[ime]s stamp of the Empire - which stamps I now find are no longer issued. We shall be much obliged if you can favour us with specimen of each.
I am, Sir
your obed[ien]t Servant
Pearson Hill.
(Private Secretary to Sir R. Hill)