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4247558Plato — AdvertisementClifton Wilbraham Collins



Recently published,


Translated into English Verse


Professor of Greek in the University of St Andrews.

Octavo, price 5s.


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Octavo, price 6s.

Extracts from Notices of the 'Antigone,' &c.

"These translations have been executed with much taste and ability."—Pall Mall Gazette.

"Professor Campbell . . . reveals himself as a poet . . . endowed not only with a portion of the dramatic power of his great master, but also with what is still rarer, with that restraint, that golden moderation. . . . which is truest art."—Westminster Review.

"It is a rendering which, while literal enough to plead the Greek text for the warranty of every line of the English, nevertheless reads as smoothly as if it were an original work. . . . We have no hesitation in recommending Mr. Campbell's versions as the best and truest that have yet appeared in English." —Saturday Review.

"The work before us is a jewel amongst translations. . . . So well has the translator done his part that you see nothing of him. He leaves an English Sophocles in your hand and drops out of sight. . . . The work is so equal that it becomes very difficult to select passages for quotation. —Nonconformist.

"His translation is a remarkable one, and we cannot doubt that he will at least find a good audience amongst persons of strong and highly cultivated literary taste."—Scotsman.

"A translation of Sophocles of which our language may be proud."—Illustrated Review.

"The careful workmanship here displayed by the translator, his accuracy, his attention to the nicest shades of meaning in the original, and the happy and easy flow of the dialogue in his English, stamp this version as one of no ordinary merit. . . . The work here done leaves our most sanguine expectations behind."—English Churchman.



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