Pocahontas and Other Poems (New York)/Life's Evening

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4068346Pocahontas and Other Poems (New York) — Life's Evening1841Lydia Huntley Sigourney


"Abide with us, for it is now evening, and the day of life is far spent."
Bishop Andrews.

The bright and blooming morn of youth
Hath faded from the sky,
And the fresh garlands of our hope
Are wither'd, sere, and dry;
O Thou, whose being hath no end,
Whose years can ne'er decay,
Whose strength and wisdom are our trust,
Abide with us, we pray.

Behold the noonday sun of life
Doth seek its western bound,
And fast the lengthening shadows cast
A heavier gloom around,
And all the glow-worm lamps are dead,
That, kindling round our way,
Gave fickle promises of joy—
Abide with us, we pray.

Dim eve draws on, and many a friend
Our early path that bless'd,
Wrapp'd in the cerements of the tomb,
Have laid them down to rest;
But Thou, the Everlasting Friend,
Whose Spirit's glorious ray
Can gild the dreary vale of death,
Abide with us, we pray.