Poems (Angier)/The Mount

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4565486Poems — The MountAnnie Lanman Angier
When anxious cares corrode the breast,
And sad forebodings rise;
When sore temptations me molest,
And sorrow robs me of my rest;
Jesus! I trembling look to Thee,
And tearful turn to Calvary.

When griefs assail, and trials come,
When anguish aims its dart;
When earthly hopes have found a tomb—
Sweet thoughts of Heaven dispel my gloom
For, Jesus! then I look to thee,
And prayerful turn to Calvary.

When foes are fierce, friends found untrue,
When all is dark and drear;
I think on grace, and glory too—
How conquest out of conflict grew,
And, Jesus! then I look to Thee,
And grateful turn to Calvary.

When feeble pulses, beating slow,
Warn of life's waning hour;
Then, Jesus! may I joyful know,
That Thou canst dying grace bestow;
That not in vain I've looked to Thee—
And turned in faith to Calvary.

What rapture o'er the soul will steal,
When through Eternity;
This Jesus shall his love reveal,
Who died the heart's deep wounds to heal
Salvation's stream still flows from Thee,
O! sacred, blood-stained Calvary.

Thou Holy Mount! from thee we learn
Our daily cross to bear;
When burdens press, to thee we turn,
And find new zeal within us burn:
Then never let forgotten be
The debt we owe to Calvary.