Poems (Argent)/An Autumn Sunset

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4573224Poems — An Autumn SunsetAlice Emily Argent

BENEATH the glowing western sky,
Drop down, O Autumn sun, and glow
  With fervent light on all below,
That half in sombre shadows lie.

Tinge with thy rosy kiss the wave
  That ripples o'er the dusky bay,
  Foaming with crystals far away,
Where breakers roar and billows rave,

To see the ocean now were sweet,
  To feel the breezes lightly rest
  On tired brain and weary breast,
And waters murmuring round one's feet

Would thrill this pulse and fire this eye
  With wild delight, and bid me rise
  Above myself to brighter skies,
Whose glories do not fade or die.

Just one last gleam o'er flow'r and tree
  Tells that the night is nigh at hand,
  With her still beauty, soft, yet grand,
Enfolding earth and sky and sea.

So gently pass away, fair day,
  In blood-red grandeur to thy rest,
  Like some old warrior's waving crest,
Gleaming in splendour far away.