Poems (Baldwyn)/My Chamber

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4501734Poems — My ChamberAugusta Baldwyn
I have dwelt in fairer chambers,
  But never yet to me
Was any one, though richly deck'd,
  To be compar'd with thee,—
Mine own dear room! my place of liberty!

Here none can mar mine hours of rest;
  The quiet morning ray
And gentle shades of ev'ning fall;
  In thee they pass away
Calm as the light that gilds the summer day.

Here truth its sacred pages spreads,
  And not a jarring voice
Recalls a thought to waken doubt;—
  Sweet spot of rest,—my choice!
Here let my heart be glad, and humble hope rejoice!

The beams that gild the changeful heavens
  Shine softly even here;
And mental light and fancy's power
  My lone existence cheer.
Each star that shines shows that the sun is near.

O Blessed Light! O Power Divine!
  From thee flows every good:
Thou only source of life and joy,
  Whose truth hath ever stood,
Shine on me still, and bless mine hours of solitude!