Poems (Barbara White)/Some Mother's Boy, or Remember the Tuscania

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by Barbara White
Some Mother's Boy, or Remember the Tuscania
4598793Poems — Some Mother's Boy, or Remember the TuscaniaBarbara White
Some Mother's Boy, or Remember the Tuscania
Wrote the morning after it was sunk.


Some mother's boy was on that ship
  Who was going his country to save;
Some mother's boy who was on that ship
  Sleeps in a watery grave;
Some boy's sweetheart will always mourn
  For her soldier lad so true,
And some child's daddy will ne'er return,
  As he sleeps in the ocean blue.

So up and fight for freedom,
  Be true when duty calls;
Columbia needs her loyal sons
  To help her in the cause,
Fight we must; our cause is just;
  Don't you hear their drowning cry?
So up my lads, Columbia trust
  And remember the Tus-can-ia.

Some mother's heart will nearly break
  When she knows that her soldier lad,
Who left to go the battle front,
  Along with some little child's dad,
Will always sleep in the angry deep,
  While a wave does over them spread.
Let us lift our voice to God above
  Who knows what is best for our dead.