Poems (Commelin)/A Christmas Carol

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For works with similar titles, see A Christmas Carol.
4574108Poems — A Christmas CarolAnna Olcott Commelin
Sing a song of Christmas:
Sing of joy and cheer:
Ring the happy anthem:
Christmas day is here.

What if winds are blowing,
What if, in the air,
Gather fleecy snowflakes
Falling everywhere;—

If, o'er all earth's bosom,
Soft and smooth and light,
Winter spreads her garment,
Bridal dress of white.

What if leaves have vanished,
What if trees are bare,
Ermine robe and jewels
Richer are and rare.

If, o'er all the country,
Icy cold the dawn,
Sing the Christmas carol,
Hail to Christmas morn!

Yes, e'en though the weather
Cold and colder grow,
In our homes the yule-logs
Bright and brighter glow.

Christmas song and story,
Christmas feast and cheer,
Ring the happy joy-bells,
Day of all the year!

Weave the Christmas garland,
Bind the mistletoe,
Holly leaves and berries:—
Lay the hemlocks low.

Day when Eastern wise men
Sought the humble shed,
And before the Christ-child
Lowly bowed the head.

Wisest men and women,
Wisest ones are they
Who, to little children,
Give their hearts to-day.

Day for fond remembrance,
When, from far and near,
Speeds the wish and greeting:
Christmas day is here!

Sweet the olden story,
"On earth peace: good-will":
Words of benediction
Linger with us still.

Blessed words and tender
For the Christmas-tide:
In our hearts forever
May their peace abide!

Sing a song of Christmas!
Sing of joy and cheer;
Sound the pealing anthem:
Christmas day is here!