Poems (Denver)/Bread cast on the Waters

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4524039Poems — Bread cast on the WatersMary Caroline Denver

A beggar stood in the sunshine.
That lighted my cabin-door;
I placed in his hands a pittance,
'Twas small, but I had no more.
Years after, when want was round me,
And sorrow had pressed me sore,
There came from a far-off country,
A rich and bounteous store.
Then I thought of God's blessed promise,
As I looked on the golden grain;
For the bread I once cast on the waters
Had returned to me again.

I, stood in the silent midnight,
Beside the couch of pain;
I calmed the troubled spirit,
And I soothed the fevered brain.
Years after, when grief and sickness
A victim in me had found,
Kind hearts bent over my pillow,
And I knew there were angels around.
Then I thought of God's holy promise,
As I lay on that conch of pain,
For the bread once cast on the waters
Had returned to me again.

A tried heart quailed in the battle
That raged on the shore of life;
I whispered a word of comfort,
And cheered it amid the strife:
Years after, when grieved and wounded
By the follies and frauds of earth,
True spirits gathered around me,
Gladdening my heart and hearth;
And I thought of God's glorious promise,
That it never is made in vain;
For the bread once cast on the waters
He returns to us again.