Poems (E. L. F.)/Love's doubts and fears

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4573948Poems — Love's doubts and fearsE. L. F.
Ah! well we know that love is given
No perfect durance this side heaven;
For ever some brief doubt or fear
Will bring the sigh and leave the tear.

The smile that fondness gives to-day,
To-morrow's doubting wears away—
That lovely glance may brightly shine
On hearts susceptible as thine.

That voice, so sweet in every tone,
Is its dear softness all thine own?
Or are there other hearts that live
On the felt rapture it can give?

And are those lips, those hands, those eyes,
For ever thine exclusive prize?
Doth nothing earthly weigh 'gainst thee
In boundless love's security?

Such are the doubts and fears that greet
All those who sigh at Cupid's feet;
There is no cure for love's deep spell,
But there's a palliate—Marry well.