Poems (Eaton)/My Namesake

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For works with similar titles, see My Namesake.
4561093Poems — My NamesakeMarcia Jane Eaton

I HAVE a little namesake,
So full of joyous glee,
There's not a child the wide world o'er
More dearly loved than she—
So idolized by many hearts,
More prized than wealth untold,
My playful little namesake
Of scarcely two years old.

My baby-bird, my namesake,
Months many have flown by,
Since last I looked the depths within
Of thy clear earnest eye,
And saw the dawning intellect
On infant brow enrolled;
My precious little namesake
Of scarcely two years old.

My winsome fairy namesake,
Endowed with rarest grace,
Methought I saw an angel's charms
While gazing in thy face;
Or watching with admiring eye
Thy form of beauty's mould;
My lovely little namesake
Of scarcely two years old.

Thy silvery voice, my namesake,
Dearer than music's tone,
Comes sweetly as a dream to those
Who claim thee for their own—
Who love thee with enduring love,
With hearts that ne'er grow cold,
My happy, petted namesake
Of scarcely two years old.

And yet, my little namesake,
All charming as thou art,
Thou need'st a heavenly power to keep
The beauty of the heart;
This only boon I ask for thee,
Treasure more worth than gold,
My radiant little namesake
Of scarcely two years old.

God grant my little namesake
To walk her path in life,
Calm and unsullied, through the storms
Of sorrow, sin and strife;
His guardian care be over her,
His mighty love enfold
My little darling namesake
Of scarcely two years old.