Poems (Eckley)/"Wait patiently for Him".

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4606757Poems — "Wait patiently for Him".Sophia May Eckley
"Wait patiently for Him."
FROM false to true, from grief to joy,
From inertness into life,
I From bitterness into sweetness,
In peace from out the strife.

Why look behind, when straight thy path
Is onward with the sun?
Not in cold vapours of the past,
False moon-light that is gone.

Oh! who would back in shadows grope,
When the sun of God shines bright?
Oh'! faithless ye, who shadows chase
In retrospection's night.

For love her amaranthine wreath
Shall twine around thy brow,
And thou the tender weight shalt feel,
Heaven's flowers that bud and grow;

Yet droop not, fade, nor waste their breath
On earth's low tainted air
Of sin, and pain, and thankless toil—
Of discontent, and care.

'Tis better to be wronged than wrong—
To pity than to hate,
To meekly stoop and kiss the rod,
Then in God's patience wait.