Poems (Geisse)/The Complaint of a Bonnet

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by Mary A. Geisse
The Complaint of a Bonnet
4525484Poems — The Complaint of a BonnetMary A. Geisse
I once was a Sunday bonnet
And shaded a lovely face,
But now for some reason or other
I find I'm in disgrace.

My fair young mistress treats me
With unrelenting scorn;
Excepting in bad weather
She never puts me on.

She took away my bandbox
To shelter her new hat;
She says I am not stylish,
What can she mean by that?

She says my rim's too flaring.
And that my crown's too small;
And yet, upon my honor,
I haven't changed at all.

I am the very bonnet
That she admired so,
And purchased with such pleasure.
But one short year ago.

So why I've ceased to please her,
Is more than I can tell,
For of one thing I'm certain
That I became her well.

And as for grace and beauty,
Why any one can see,
The hat that she is wearing
Does not compare with me.