Poems (Hale)/Early Piety

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4572011Poems — Early PietyMary Whitwell Hale

When life before your path is bright,
And fancy sheds its golden light,
And you the dawning future deem
As radiant as your own bright dream,
Ere yet its after path be trod,
"Remember your Creator, God!"

Forget not him whose ceaseless flow
Of goodness crowns your lot below,
Whose hand your pathway strews with flowers,
And o'er your head his mercies showers.
O! mid the blessings of your lot,
Be not the gracious Source forgot.

What though the light of joy shall fade?
Let not your spirit be dismayed.
Let sorrow's gushing tear be dry,
Checked be the murmur and the sigh.
Bow in submission to the rod,—
"Remember your Creator, God!"

To Him the early dawn be given,
The noon-tide blaze, the dew of even:
Be His the uttered song of praise,
And His the silent prayer you raise.
In life or death, in grief or joy,
Let Him your grateful thoughts employ.

And when life's golden bowl shall break,
The harp's sweet chords no music wake;
When hushed the quivering breath shall be,
And darkness makes its home with thee;
When here no more your form we trace,
But sigh to meet your vacant place;—

Before the eternal throne above,
The sacred fount of joy and love,
Your heart shall share the sweet repose,
Which from God's sacred presence flows.
His smile the favor shall impart,
Promised but to the "pure in heart."