Poems (Hazlett-Bevis)/Love's Tribute

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4511081Poems — Love's TributeSophia Courtoulde Hazlett-Bevis
Love's Tribute.

Oh, friend from a far off country,
A tribute of love I pay
To thee, for thy staunch defense of
The woman just "over the way,"
For thy kindly words of counsel,
Thy helping hand in need,
For thy care of the weak and fallen,
And planting the precious seed.

Of truth and right in weary hearts,
That had erstwhile gone astray;
Thee brought them back, with pleading tones
And eyes that were filled alway
With tears, for their wrongs and sorrows,
And smiles for the coming time,
When they, too, would see the morrow
Grow bright, through a love sublime.

For all that is pure and holy,
All that is noble and true;
His Golden Rule thou hast taught them,
"To me, as I do unto you,"
While others rested, thou slept not,
But walked at the midnight hour
Alone, through the streets, in darkness,
To rescue a fallen flower.

No winter's cold, or summer's sun,
Has stayed thy ready feet;
With voice of perfect sweetness,
Thou hast charmed the world complete.
Ever ready to do and dare,
In the cause thou hast espoused;
Small and slight and fragile,
Thou hast waning hearts aroused.

To the good that is within them,
For "all have an angel side,"
And thine the hand to beckon
Back from the coming tide
Of woe that would overwhelm them,
And hedge them without for aye;
Thine the harvest to gather,
In thy reaping, by and by.

Though ocean may divide us,
I shall see thee in my dreams;
I shall hear thy voice in fancy,
Passing sweet when moonlight gleams.
I shall catch that bird-like motion
Of head and eyes, so rare;
I shall waft a blessing to thee,
Bear thy memory in my prayer.