Poems (Hazlett-Bevis)/Sped Arrows

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4511043Poems — Sped ArrowsSophia Courtoulde Hazlett-Bevis
Sped Arrows.
There are cruel words
That cut like swords,
In these aching hearts of ours.
There is never a day,
Let us do as we may,
That can take back unwelcome hours.

A whisper soft
Of slander, oft
Will leave on the air a stain,
That try as we will
Remains there still
And we strive to remove in vain.

There are hearts that break
Every day, and we make
Our own lives harder still,
By a careless tone
That we give alone,
For the sake of a stubborn will.

It's a little thing
For a bird to sing
As it springs from its dewey nest,
But it teaches all,
Both great and small,
That a peaceful life is best.