Poems (Hornblower)/Sonnet (How blest of virtuous minds the union sweet)

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For works with similar titles, see Sonnet.
4558040Poems — SonnetJane Elizabeth Roscoe Hornblower
How blest of virtuous minds the union sweet,
When gently bound by Life's most sacred tie,
When hours and years soft and unnoticed fly,
In some beloved and beautiful retreat,
'Midst books, and flowers, and Mends: and dearer yet
The silent fondness of a loved one's eye,
The radiance of his smile—the heart's reply
To the unspoken words—the eyelid wet
With joy's most holy tears.—This is earth's bliss—
Is there a purer,more enduring good,
Hope, faith, and love thus link'd in sanctitude?
Ah yes! in worlds above, more blest than this,
Earth's tears, and doubts, and partings past for ever,
Two hearts to meet, that never more shall sever.