Poems (Hornblower)/Sonnet (Jesus walked forth into Gethsemane)

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For works with similar titles, see Sonnet.
Jesus walked forth into Gethsemane,
With his disciples, and said, "Sit ye here,
While I go hence to pray:" then sudden fear
And heavy sorrow, with the agony
Of thought, came o'er him; and, as he went on,
He fell upon his face, and deeply prayed;
"Father! if it be possible," he said,
"Let this cup pass from me." Absorbed, alone
He poured his soul to heaven, and humbly strove
For perfect confidence; "yet not as I,
But as Thou wilt, my Father," was his cry;
And his pale lips moved with submissive love.
O! Heavenly Father! when my cross appears,
Thus, Saviour-like, may love dispel my fears!