Poems (Howard)/A Song

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For works with similar titles, see A Song.
4530869Poems — A SongHattie Howard

A Song.
I've been so happy all day long!
As though some new, delightful song
Were in my heart, and thrilled it where
Before were sorrow, pain, and care.

The world is brighter—every thought
With love and thankfulness is fraught;
'Mid daily toil or evening rest,
At every hour, my soul is blest.

And each succeeding moment brings
The light of gladness on its wings:
While, seemingly, there hovers near
An angel-form, my heart to cheer.

Footsteps, accustomed long to roam,
Have found, at last, their wished-for home;
And in contentment, tread the way
From which they may not, dare not stray.

O, may my life be e'er imbued
With joy that comes from doing good:
And in thine all-embracing care
Keep me, my Father, is my prayer!