Poems (Howard)/Waiting

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For works with similar titles, see Waiting.
4530848Poems — WaitingHattie Howard

I waited when the storm was wild,
Until the face of Nature smiled,
And Earth and Heaven were reconciled.

I waited when the skies were fair,
And richest odors filled the air,
And sunshine rested everywhere.

When sweetest notes of melody,
From tuneful birds in every tree,
Seemed warbled but to gladden me.

I waited when the sun was low,
And bathed the woodlands in a glow
Of tints that art could not bestow.

A hand unseen, beneficent,
The rainbow's arch of splendor bent
With dying sunset glories blent.

I waited while the veil of night
Was slowly drawn before my sight
And fastened with a star of light.

When slumber reigned the world around,
I waited still the glad rebound
Of hope, by sweet fruition crowned.

Thus day by day, from earliest dawn
Till evening's latest guest is gone,
With lagging pace the hours go on.

Still patiently I meditate
On brighter days, that soon or late,
Will surely come, if I but wait.