Poems (Howard)/Who Cares

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4530852Poems — Who CaresHattie Howard

Who Cares?
Don't pour in everybody's ear
The story of your hapless lot!
How heavy taxes were last year,
Or that the farm you lately bought
Is proving an investment dear,
And not the bargain that you thought.

Don't try to make the world believe
That you're a poor unfortunate!
That favors which you should receive
Come not at all—or come too late;
The world will never stop to grieve
A moment o'er your luckless fate.

Don't button-hole upon the street
A friend or neighbor, unawares,
And with a rueful face repeat
That doleful tale about the tares
Appearing in your choicest wheat—
Why should you think your neighbor cares?

Don't hail a person, as he goes
With hurried air and ringing tread,
To tell him of your private woes!
In half an hour should you be dead,
How long the fact, do you suppose,
Would interest his busy head?

Don't let the world know all about
Your petty, pitiful affairs!
For some will smile, and others doubt;
A few, perhaps, will in their prayers
Remember you—the few devout—
But, after all, nobody cares.