Poems (Kimball)/The Lingering October Weather

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by Harriet McEwen Kimball
The Lingering October Weather
4472439Poems — The Lingering October WeatherHarriet McEwen Kimball
to mrs. h. e. h.

DO you recall our pleasant walk,
The last, dear friend, we took together,
Our leisurely pace, our quiet talk,
The lingering October weather?

How still the world was! Not a breath
To lift a leaf or float a feather;
A hush of happiness, not death,
That lingering October weather.

While like some frolic creature tied
By sweet content's unconscious tether,
Your little one walked close beside
That lingering October weather.

The lazy crows above our head
Went slowly sailing through the ether;
The dry leaves rustled at our tread
That lingering October weather.

We followed up the winding road
Where shore and river kissed each other,
And Nature's peace our hearts o'erflowed
That lingering October weather.

Against the background of the pines
The birch and maple leaned together;
A flame ran through the blackberry vines
That lingering October weather.

Fair vistas opened either side,
Of hill or stream, or both together;
But one the hush on wood and tide
That lingering October weather.

The distant mountain seemed a cloud
Or like a melting opal rather,
With such a gracious light endowed,
That lingering October weather.

I looked upon your happy face;
I watched you as we walked together
I thought: She fills so fair a place!
That lingering October weather.

With dancing eyes in swift surprise
You stooped a wilding rose to gather;
A rose, the pet of summer skies,
Still blooming through October weather!

I thought how like the rose you were!
Though youth and summer fly together,
No frost, I said, will visit her,
But lingering October weather.