Poems (Merrill)/Wealth vs Virtue

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4534914Poems — Wealth vs VirtueClara A. Merrill

By devious ways and endeavors, afar
I sought, ascertaining if Gold
And Virtue—that fairest of gems—were at par
And in the same rank were enrolled.

And, viewed with zest keen and undaunting,
Often Gold has been found to out-weigh;
And the measure of Virtue? Found wanting!
For gold hath power mighty to sway.

For instance: Go mingle with people of style
In church—you can easily note
The smile and the shrug, as you pass down the aisle
With frayed hat and a patch on your coat.

Tho' your heart may be kindest of any.
Time has flown since your clothing was new;
You are lacking in Wealth—ah! how many
Will bid you to enter their pew?

While precedes you a lady,—so haughty and grand,
Gaily trips she along down the aisle;
Her rosy lips wreathed in smiles sweet and bland—
She is clad in the most approved style.

You gaze on her features. Deceiver—
Is stamped plainly there on her face,—
Yet how eager are all to receive her—
How quick to share with her their place!

Go e'en on the street in your sorrow—
The wealthy and grand pass you by
In comfort, No trouble they borrow,
They see not the tear in your eye.

Were you dressed in fine raiment so neatly,
Your friendship would surely be theirs;
But now you are ignored completely,
They heed not your pleadings or prayers.

Often Riches will seek only Wealth's favored lot
While Virtue seeks Virtue, abroad—
Or in humble seclusion—In palace or cot,
Knowing all are the children of God.

Down the turbulent River of Life, ever move
Misfortunes sad waifs, far from shore;
Whose struggles avail not.—Then doth it behoove
Us to cast the Life Line to the poor.

If, as it may, circumstances reverse,
And we find ourselves level with men
Who have seen, thro' affliction, their riches disperse,—
Would we wish them to turn from us then?

Jesus the Saviour has taught us the way,
We will err not by following thus:
"Do unto others" as near as we may
"As we wish them to do unto us."