Poems (Nealds)/Address to the Evening Star

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For works with similar titles, see Address to the Evening Star.
4628731Poems — Address to the Evening StarAdeline Martha Nealds
When gazing on the queen of night,
I turn to view thy milder light,
Thou beauteous evening star;
Oh! bear upon thy silv'ry beam,
The tears that from my eye-lids stream,
To him who is afar.

For he possesses all my heart,
And though, alas! we're doom'd to part,
From him it ne'er will stray;
Oh! bid him sometimes waste a thought
On her whose breast with anguish fraught
Sighs her sad life away.

Hesper, thy aid I now implore,
Oh! give me him whom I adore,
And ease my aching breast;
I ask not gaudy glittering wealth,
Grant me but love, content, and health,
And I shall then be blest.