Poems (Nealds)/Midnight Stanzas

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4628751Poems — Midnight StanzasAdeline Martha Nealds
Sweet god of sleep, oh! hear my pray'r,
Listen to me, I implore thee!
Let visions soft as liquid air
In quick succession flit before me.

Morpheus, come, and with thee bring
Young zephyrs round my couch to fly,
And elfin minstrels that may sing
To me a fairy lullaby.

Zephyr, fan me with thy wing;
Minstrel, lull me with thy lay;
Thy poppies, Morpheus, round me fling,
That I may sleep till break of day.

Then waft me to the rosy bow'r
Where with my Henry oft I rove;
There let me pass the fleeting hour
With him I so sincerely love.

Zephyr hasten to my lover,
Bear this kiss, this sigh, this tear,
Say as you round him gently hover
Anna weeps that he's not near.

And whisper low when back you rove,
That thoughts of me possess his breast;
Thou'lt seem an angel from above,
And softly soothe my soul to rest.