Poems (Nealds)/Morning Address to my Children

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by Adeline Martha Nealds
Morning Address to my Children
4628712Poems — Morning Address to my ChildrenAdeline Martha Nealds
Children, awake! nor slumb'ring
Waste the fresh morn away;
Arise! and to your heav'nly King
Your early tribute pay.

Take lesson from the birds of air,
And cattle of the field;
And unto God, in humble prayer,
Your early offering yield.

Thank him for all his watchful care,
Through the long darksome night;
For the return of morning fair,
And blessings of the light.

Go forth, and view each op'ning flow'r,
On hill and valley look;
And see, in all, your Maker's pow'r,
And read in nature's book.

And hear the lowing of the herd,
As they go forth to graze;
And listen to each little bird
Singing its song of praise.

Then do not ye, like sluggards lie,
But up, and grateful prove
Unto the gracious God on high,
For all his bounteous love.