Poems (Nealds)/Sonnet. To my eldest Daughter

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4628727Poems — Sonnet. To my eldest DaughterAdeline Martha Nealds
My first-born darling, come to my embrace,
And let me gaze again upon thy face!
It is a sweet remembrancer of other years,
When pleasure's sun unclouded by the haze
Of disappointment rude, rose in one blaze
Of bright effulgence—soon to set in tears!

Thou art a gentle record of the past,
Of those blest days which were too bright to last.
Oh my loved child! thou art indeed to me
A sweet drop in my cup of bitterness;
For as I gaze in fondness upon thee,
Hope bids me look for future happiness.—

And now with this blest thought I will my griefs assuage,
That thou with duteous care wilt soothe my drooping age.