Poems (Nealds)/Stanzas to a Rose

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4628753Poems — Stanzas to a RoseAdeline Martha Nealds
Thou loveliest flow'r that ever bloom'd
Beneath the summer's ardent sky,
Oh! wherefore are thy beauties doom'd
So soon to wither, fade, and die!

But yesterday thou wert array'd
In all the budding charms of youth,
Sweet as the blushing village maid,
Fair as the spotless form of truth.

This morn I paus'd with joy to view
The glowing beauties of thy face,
Thy silken leaves of love's own hue,
Thy form matur'd in matchless grace.

But now I mark with sad surprise,
Thy evanescent bloom decay;
Quickly will fade thy roseate dyes,
Soon will thy beauties pass away.

E'en while I gaze, thy lovely head
Is bending towards its parent earth;
Soon will thy glories all be shed
Upon the spot which gave them birth.

Sweet Rose! still to my heart thou'rt dear,
Though 'reft of all thy fragrant bloom;
I'll place thy wither'd beauties here,
I'll make this woe-worn breast thy tomb.