Poems (Rice)/Thoughts suggested at an Ordination at the Church of the Messiah, Boston, September 25, 1856

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by Maria Theresa Rice
Thoughts suggested at an Ordination at the Church of the Messiah, Boston, September 25, 1856
4528437Poems — Thoughts suggested at an Ordination at the Church of the Messiah, Boston, September 25, 1856Maria Theresa Rice
WITHIN this temple we have come to-day,
Where we, O Father, have so often come,
Striving thy precepts ever to obey
And ask a blessing on thy chosen son;
The air seems purer as these aisles we tread,
The autumn sun streams through the tinted panes,
The sacred elements are duly spread,
Emblems of love to wash away our stains.

Ambassadors of Christ, white-robed, they kneel
Within the chancel,—'tis a solemn sight,
Their hearts imbued with holy, heavenly zeal,
Here to perform the Apostolic rite:
Do angels hover o'er that youthful one,
Who now alone before the altar stands?
Exalted life, the ministry begun,
He calmly waits the laying on of hands.

O vanish, all ye vapory cloudlets; roll,
Roll far away, ye mists, before his gaze;
Shine, fires of Heaven, and illume his soul,
Impart to him your everlasting rays.
The time has come, the charge and sermon o'er,
Our saintly bishop sitting in the chair,—
Rising, beseeching all their hearts to pour,
And occupy a space in silent prayer.

Invested now with righteousness and power,
Go forth, and teach poor sinners how to pray;
Go soothe the stricken in affliction's hour,
To happy realms above, O point the way;
Then at the Judgment, when the scroll is read,
May these blest words fall gently on your ear:
"You've clothed the naked, and the hungry fed,
Now with your flock, my chosen one, draw near."