Poems (Rowe)/Cruel as the Grave

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4473517Poems — Cruel as the GraveLouise Jopling Rowe
AH! dearest one! If you could see my heart,
All torn and bleeding with Love's vivid smart,
You'd comfort me; you'd heal me of my ache,
If not for mine, then for Sweet Pity's sake!

Oh! do not think me weak, or overbold.
How can I live and see your heart grow cold
To me alone? For others all the flame
Of Love and Passion burning without shame!

And yet I am that She you found so fair
To pleasure whom was once your only care,
Until you won me. Irony of Fate!
'Tis I that love! And now 'tis you that hate!

Cruel? The Grave! Ah, no! a Friend most kind,
Soothing the broken heart, the maddened mind.
Dear God is good, and gives to all the chance
Of joining when we will Death's mazy dance.