Poems (Ryan)/A Gem Without a Flaw

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4511551Poems — A Gem Without a FlawMary C. Ryan

I tried to buy a jewel bright,
Of purest serenest ray;
Without a flaw to mar the beauteous gleams
That o'er its surface play.

I thought I'd wear a thornless rose,
Forever upon my heart;
A sweet red rose, that to life's dreary scenes
Rich fragrance would impart.

And then I sought to find a friend,
Who faultless would ever prove;
His heart, a cup to hold the sweets of life,
Receptacle of love.

I sought in vain to find one joy
That was unalloyed with woe,
One flawless gem, one perfect thing of clay,
One spot of peace below.

I searched in vain, I could not find
One single perfect thing;
When lo! came whispers from the spirit land,
A flaw is but death's sting.

All blemished things must pass away,
Earth's fairest flowers must die,
But perfect gems some day you'll surely find
With immortality.