Poems (Shipton)/Conflict

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For works with similar titles, see Conflict.
4502536Poems — ConflictAnna Shipton


"Behold, God, our Shield, and look upon the face of Thine Anointed."—Psalm lxxxiv. 9.
"He knoweth the way that I take: when He hath tried me, I shall come forth as gold."—Job xxiii. 10.

Lord! my soul is burdened
By a weight of care,
And my foot is taken
In the fowler's snare;
Darkness gathers o'er me,
I shall fall or flee:
Helper of the helpless,
Rise and succor me!

Dangers seem to threaten,
Tempters' wiles assail;
In Thy light I see them,
Yet I weakly quail.
Strange unholy terrors
In my bosom rise;
"What distrustful language—
Heavy groans and sighs!

Thoughts of sin's defilement,
Born of faithless mood,
Hosts of unclean devils,
Guests of hell's dark brood,
Leave me lame and mourning,
Blind to seek and trace
All the glorious beauty
Of Immanuel's face.

Look, oh, look upon me!
See my wounds! and hear
In my soul's veiled chambers,
What dishonoring fear!
Withered arms for service,
And a palsied frame
That hath scarce a heart-throb
At Thy precious name.

Touch me, cleanse me, heal me!
Thou didst give me life;
Speak the word, and save me
From this deadly strife.
Thine is full salvation,
And the gift is free:
Helper of the helpless,
Rise and succor me!

Hast Thou cast me from Thee?
Well Thou mayst. Ah, no!
Hold me fast, sweet Jesus!
Whither should I go?
Should I seek to hide me
In some desert spot,
Earth no cavern holdeth
Where my God is not.

Could I rise to heaven,
Thus by fears oppressed,
There art Thou! Descending
To the grave's dark breast,
Even there Thou reignest;
And the shades of night
Open lie as noon-day,
To Thy piercing sight!

Wherefore am I thus, Lord?
I, who fain would show
To the thirsty pilgrim
Where the waters flow;
Where the milk to nourish,
Where the wine of home,
Are so freely offered
Unto all that come.

Father! may I call Thee
Dost Thou look upon me,
And still own me Thine?
Ah! Thy Spirit shows me
Christ! my Priest and King,
Sinless, Stainless, Perfect,
Is my Offering.

Look on Thine Anointed;
Let my tongue be mute,
While we gaze together
On my Substitute.
Thou art full well pleased
With Thy spotless Lamb;
And Thy Spirit tells me
What, O God, I am!

Lost, abhorred, and loathsome,
Leprous and unclean;
Yet, enrobed in Jesus,
I am spotless seen.
Oh, the weight of glory
It is mine to share!
Even now He calls me
"Altogether fair."

Lo, I see Thee, Jesus,
Ransom of my soul!
Hast Thou not redeemed me?
Let the thunders roll.
Can the law convict me?
Thou hast set me free!
Back, thou wily Tempter,
Jesus died for me.

Bend, oh, bend my will, Lord!
This—my only aim;
For in light or darkness
Thou art still the same.
Give me, or withhold then,
What Thou seest best;
Not upon Thy gifts, Lord—
On Thyself I rest.

Did He say, "To-morrow
I will hear thee"? Nay!
Full and free the fountain
Floweth every day.
Holy Dove, oft grieved,
Ere my tears were dried,
To my listening spirit
Thy still voice replied.

"Child, My child! be patient:
I thy sins have borne;
I have marked the conflict,
And the scoffer's scorn;
I have seen the sorrows
Of thy broken heart,
And in thy afflictions
Borne a brother's part.

"Wouldst thou fear the darkness,
Didst thou hate the light?
"Would thy sin displease thee,
Were thy sin delight?
Evil would be welcome,
Wert thou of the earth:
Child, look up to heaven,
Whence thou hadst thy birth.

"Put thy heel on Satan,
Draw the Spirit's sword,
Prove thy holy breast-plate,
Take Me at My word.
Am I not thy Fortress?
Wherefore fall or fly;
Grasp thy palm, rejoicing
In My victory.

"'Tis the lowliest conquers;
'Tis by might of love
That the weakest soldier
Doth the bravest prove.
Rest thee, weary trembler!
Was the strife unsent?
Nay! thy King was with thee:
Not a bow was bent,

"But thy Lord who loves thee
Guided every dart;
See! they only sent thee
Nearer to my heart.
At thine hands upraised
Half thy foes withdrew;
Forward! I have conquered,
Thou shalt conquer too.

"Child! in Me abiding,
Nought thy foot shall move;
Fear not! T will help thee,
Mine is changeless love.
Take My yoke upon thee,
Learn the way from Me;
I am meek and lowly,
Meek and lowly be.

"Take My yoke—I bore it,
Lean upon My breast;
I have fought thy battle,
Share with me my rest.
Soon the plains of glory
Sinless thou shalt tread;
My right hand upholds thee,
Rise—be undismayed.

"Trust Me—only trust Me!
Wherefore shouldst thou quail?
Can a weapon prosper,
Shall a foe prevail,
'Gainst the Lord's Anointed?
He hath set their bounds;
While thy faith, though feeble,
Loving-kindness crowns."