Poems (Smith)/Cling Together

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4510552Poems — Cling TogetherMartha A. Smith

Cling together, you and I,—
Death will part us by and by:
'Tis not well that bitter strife
Should darken all the joys of life.

Cling together; while we stay
Let us for each other pray
All the griefs that rend the heart
From us forever may depart.

Cling together; then from home
We shall never wish to roam,
To find in other lands a rest,
United here we'll be so blest.

Cling together; soon we'll pass
Unto another life, alas!
Then let true love illume our way,
And cheer our hearts on each dark day.

Cling together; life is short.
Heart's true love can ne'er be bought,
'Tis a jewel bright and rare,—
Shining gold can not compare.

Cling together; let us try
To live true lives as years roll by.
Let not this short and weary life
Be ever spent in bitter strife.

Cling together; we'll ask of God,
Ere we sleep beneath the sod;
None but He can heal our grief,—
Only God can bring relief.

Cling together while we live,—
So that God to us may give
A peaceful life until we flee
To a happier home in eternity.

Cling together; hearts with love
Will unite in heaven above:
For this we hope—for this we pray,
To meet again at the Great Day.

Cling together, though dark shadows
Lower around our pathway here;
There may be a brighter morrow
And every cloud shall disappear.

Cling together; we'll hope on ever
That true love's sun may shine again;
Ere our ties on earth we sever
Let each the other's love regain.

Cling together; God our Father
Will watch o'er us while we stay;
If we trust our loving Saviour,
He will light our darken'd way.

Cling together, ere we vanish;
One by one life's joys decay;
Those we love and fondly cherish—
They should be so dear each day.

Cling together; God who keepeth
Us in His everlasting care,
Will not leave, but ever loveth
Us in this dark and drear despair.

Cling together; we'll hope on ever
That love's sun may shine again;
Ere we leave this world forever
Let love be ours while we remain.

Cling together; lift the sorrow
Darkening round our pathway here;
There may be a brighter morrow,
As heavenly hope is drawing near.

Cling together; lift the shadow,—
Let it be our earnest prayer
That God may bring a brighter morrow
Ere we're lost in dark despair.

Cling together; let love forever
Unite us here, though short our stay.
Without true love our lives are ever
A dreary and a darken 'd day.

Cling together; each a mission
God doth give us to perform.
We'll bow to Him in meek submission,
And ask release from this dark storm.

Cling together; perhaps to-morrow
All dark clouds will disappear.
'Mid this load of heartfelt sorrow
We may see our way more clear.

Cling together; God's mysteries never
Can we solve while here we stay;
But when we pass from earth forever,
All in Heaven will be bright as day.