Poems (Smith)/Little Albert

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4510629Poems — Little AlbertMartha A. Smith


Little Albert, baby-love,
Blossoming in thy home above;
Filled with angels such as thee
Beautiful Heaven is supposed to be.

Hush, dear mother, hush thy weeping;
God forever thy babe is keeping;
All thy grief can ne'er restore
Thy bright cherub ever more.

Oh, so many hearts are sighing
When their baby-loves are dying:
God's mysteries never can dissever
Baby-love from thine forever.

God holds the casket in His keeping;
Sweetly thy darling baby's sleeping.

"Suffer little children to come unto me,"
Our Saviour said. He will watch over thee.

Leading thy pathway to life immortal,
Thy baby awaits thee at Heaven's portal.

Resting so sweetly in his little casket-be,
Love and leave him with the dead.

Then when the trumpet-sound is given,
Hope to meet thy babe in Heaven.