——Ah, well do I remember,—For how can I forget One moonlight eve of summer, When first by chance we met On the loveliest isle that sparkles In our own blue native sea,—'Tis a chain that binds me ever To loving thoughts of thee.
Ah, well do I remember,—For how can I forget? Those moonlight eves of summer Though past, I may regret: For we have met and parted,—Each to go our separate way,—'Tis a thought that lingers ever,And the past recalls to-day.
Ah, well do I remember,—For how can I forget? Fond memories of my girlhood Twine round my heartstrings yet: And still the heart doth oft recall Fond thoughts of youthful days,When love's sweet flower was budding Beneath its springtime rays.
Ah, well do I remember,—For how can I forget? Though fled, forgotten never, Until life's sun doth set: While fancy often lingers O'er the happy, blissful past,—O'er the days when I so merry Thought joy and love would last.
Ah, well do I remember,—For I have ne'er forgot: Those balmy eves of summer Have left a fragrant spot; For memory often wanders,—In fancy again I tread Those blissful days all over, And sigh that they have fled.
Ah, well do I remember,—For how can I forget Those moonlight eves of summer, When so often I have set Within the mellow gloaming Of the twilight's gentle hour, With many a dearly loved one,That I'll see again no more.
Ah, well do I remember,—For I can ne'er forget: Those moonlight eves of summer Fondly linger round me yet; While oft the sigh I smother For the sweet remembered past, And the cherished ones who loved me With a love too pure to last.
Ah, well do I remember,—For I can ne'er forget Those moonlight eves of summer When many a time I've set Within some leafy bower, In my girlhood's happy day,—With loved ones all around me, Have whiled the hours away.
Ah, well do I remember,—For how can I forget The moonlight eves of summer Shine just as brightly yet. And in the far-off heavens Shines many a gleaming light; Where in the great Hereafter Our spirits may unite.
All, well do I remember,—For I can ne'er forget: I would be of that number Who may with angels sit. Then the future life may brighten With the dawn of coming light That shines direct from Heaven To guide us to the right.