Poems (Smith)/Sadness

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4510549Poems — SadnessMartha A. Smith

Bear with me kindly—
Speak to me gently,—
Ere long this deep sea of grief
Will have pass'd o'er;
And I shall go from you,
A weary, lone pilgrim,
From this world of strife free,
On Eternity's shore.

Alone and forsaken,
God only my beacon,
In this gloomy hour
Of my greatest distress,
I'll brave the dark billows—
Let seas roll between as,
But bear with me kindly
When beyond thy caress.

As God is my helper
In this deep affliction,
Which has dried up my life-blood
And sear'd my poor brain,—
Left nought in this dark world
To see or to wish for;
Oh, stop my sad heart
In its pulse-beat of pain.

The last blow is stricken,—
I bow with submission;
All that soul ever struggled with
I have pass'd o'er;
Yet my God will sustain me,
And bear me on bravely,
Until I have pass'd through
To Eternity's shore.

O'er the dark water
I'll take my departure,
And flee for sweet rest
To a quiet retreat,
Thou'lt not forget mother,
Who did so adore thee,
Too late! no kind love
Will her ever more greet.

Bear with me kindly,—
I love thee so truly;
My heart weeping tears of blood
O'er my dark way.
I'll think of thee sweetly—
Remember thee kindly,—
Till gone to my Saviour,
For thee ever will pray.

But when I have left thee,
Some kind recollection
Of thy mother will come
In deep silence of night,
In dreams o'er thy pillow,
And gently caress thee,
As when a dear little one,
So loving and bright,

That I've press'd to my bosom
In fondest affection,
And cherish'd with loving
And tender delight,
Not dreaming dark clouds
Would ever o'ershadow
Our pathway, and leave us
In darkness and blight.

Yet in the dim distance
The shadow is breaking;
A beacon-light beams
Above the bright sky,
That is leading me onward,
With faith in my Saviour,
He soon will receive me
In heaven on high.

Then bear with me gently—
Speak to me kindly,—
Those that I've cherish'd
Are dear to my heart;
Ere my life's ended,
On thy love I depended,
Oh, speak to me kindly
Ere from earth I depart.